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For Students & Parents

We are happy to receive general enquiries, D of E Residential bookings and private training course requests directly from students and parents.


We only take expedition bookings via directly licensed and authorised centres. Please ask your school's Duke of Edinburgh Award Manager for further guidance. Expeditions and residential courses must be approved by your school D of E Manager. We recommend that participants submit the respective eDofE planner and await approval by your D of E Manager before paying the full course fees.


Welcome to eDofE


All participants must be enrolled on the Award Scheme and have a eDofE ID number. We submit expedition and residential assessor reports automatically within 5 working days.

       "Your organisation has been impeccable and very thorough and your updates by Whats App were very much enjoyed by us all. I would have no hesitation in recommending you and your paddling expeditions for future students. Your handling of the unfortunate weather conditions at Easter during the practice expedition was impressive."


Paddle parent 2023

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